
revolt of silent reverie

The Cover Image from the Ambient Album revolt of silent reverie from the musician einwandeins based in berlin! The picture and artwork is created by einwandeins! copyright einwandeins

Out now: The debut album by einwandeins is on all channels, shops such as bandcamp (except beatport) and streaming platforms such as spotify or apple music. The album, as well as individual tracks, can be purchased on bandcamp (see links below).


Lean back, put on your headphones and enjoy a musical expedition through acoustic dream worlds of the drone-ambient genre. I wish you a pleasant journey!



A musical journey through sounds and images

einwandeins is the artistic pseudonym of Berlin-based musician and photo artist Patrick Becker. As a former DJ and event organiser, he explores the uncertainties of everyday life and the relationship between man and nature in his music and photography.

The music of einwandeins

His debut album “revolt of silent reverie” combines elements of drone ambient and slow house. By incorporating field recordings from the French Provence and his passion for dramatic scenes, einwandeins creates a unique soundscape that is both calming and captivating. His music invites the listener on an emotional journey characterised by melancholic and uplifting moods.

The inspiration behind the music

einwandeins aims to evoke emotions and establish a connection with its audience. Its sonic excursions combine melancholy, optimism and cinematic drama, allowing the listener to escape the sensory overload of everyday life.

The visual world of einwandeins

In addition to his music, Patrick Becker has also produced two music videos that are linked to his photography. In his images, he explores the reclamation of nature and the decay of human remains in the landscape, creating a fascinating audiovisual experience.

The visual world of einwandeins

In addition to his music, Patrick Becker has also produced two music videos that are linked to his photography. In his images, he explores the reclamation of nature and the decay of human remains in the landscape, creating a fascinating audiovisual experience.

“With Revolt of Silent Reverie, einwandeins has created a deeply personal and almost industrial ambient recording; one that undulates with sonic stirrings amidst a fabric of immersive foggy textures.”

Matt Borghi
Producer, Ambient Soundbath

“the track is really amazing. i love the ambient music vibes as well as the dreamy feel the track gives”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“Love scarce and dreamy atmosphere. Love beat st around 05:30”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“I imagine silent hill when I’m listening to this. Which is very good for ambient. Well done ❤️”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“The production was nice, and sounds very wide and full. The sound design was very “natural” sounding with some hints of tech buried in there. Nice.”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“Pure ambient, I like this type of music.”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“Really nice ambient piece and loved the warm tones.”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“Good ambient, I like the pads and that sound design is on point.”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“Hi einwandeins. I like the cover artwork. I like the ambient/windy intro of the song. It builds curiosity and wonder. It quickly turns into a scene with rain. Great work”

feedback for “einwandeins – revolt of silent reverie”

“such a beautiful track, love the ambient atmospheres and the piano sounds you have in the very long intro. then it transitions to something really concrete and danceable. Fantastic work here. I would like to put this track in one of my playlists once it is out, can we connect?”

feedback for “einwandeins – unconditional love”

“Emotional track. Worthy of attention in its genre. I like the quality of the mix and the depth of the idea.”

feedback for “einwandeins – unconditional love”

“nice art cover and amazing vibes on this house track! keep it up”

feedback for “einwandeins – unconditional love”

“Pleasant sounds of the sea. I like how the composition develops, slowly and interestingly, beautiful background soundscapes. Good overall build quality, done at par.”

feedback for “einwandeins – unconditional love”